
Great is Thy Faithfulness

  • Wednesday evening Todd checked his messages just before he went to bed. There was a message that we weren't quite expecting to get. Basically the guy said, "I'm trying to get a hold of you, I have a job offer for you." - Needless to say, going to bed that night was a challenge after hearing that (um that, and THERE WAS A FREAKIN SNAKE IN THE HOUSE!!! But thats a story for another time...) - When Todd came into the house Thursday morning, first thing he said to me was "go check out the sunrise..." So I walked out the door, down the walk way, and as I approached a break in the tree's all of a sudden, somewhere deep down inside me started, I felt the lyrics to that classic hymn, "great is Thy faithfulness" start to swell up inside of me, and the tears began to flow... It was a moment that will stand still in my mind for a long time. It was in that moment, that once again God showed up, and reminded me of His faithfulness, and His great love for me and my family. He lifted my burdens that I had been carrying these last 16 months. I didn't know what would happen that day, but I was once again reminded that it didn't matter, He loved me and would take care of me regardless of my circumstances... It was a beautiful moment for me... 

  • Great is Thy faithfulness," O God my Father,
    There is no shadow of turning with Thee;
    Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not
    As Thou hast been Thou forever wilt be.

    • "Great is Thy faithfulness!" "Great is Thy faithfulness!"
        Morning by morning new mercies I see;
      All I have needed Thy hand hath provided—
          "Great is Thy faithfulness," Lord, unto me!
  • Summer and winter, and springtime and harvest,
    Sun, moon and stars in their courses above,
    Join with all nature in manifold witness
    To Thy great faithfulness, mercy and love.

  • Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth,
    Thy own dear presence to cheer and to guide;
    Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow,
    Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside!

  • As the day progressed we did get a call back, and did in fact get offered a job. It may or may not surprise you that we gladly accepted it. At this point, Todd has one last physical test on September 5th at 7am. As long as he passes that, September 15th will be the day he swears in, then on the 19th he leaves for training. Graduation from the 1st portion of training is December 15th. He will then go on to the second portion that will end Mid-February. We will be moving to an even more remote area of Arizona in February. Ya see, we have a whole new adventure and opprotunity for growth happening now :-) Unfortunately we will not be going with Todd to training. This will obviously be a very challenging time for all of us, so if you wouldn't mind continuing to pray for us, we'd greatly appreciate it. I will be splitting my time between here (with Todd's family) and NY (with my family). Thankfully I am homeschooling the two older this year so that allows us some flexibility in where we can be during this difficult time without daddy :-( 
    This next chapter of our life is sure to be an adventure, prayers as always are appreciated.  
    I know this last year I've kinda been a bit of a prayer hog ;-) I'm not sure that simple "thanks" is enough, but until we're in Glory and God allows you too see the impact of your prayers, it will just have to do... :-) Thank You, to each and every one of you who at some point said a prayer for our family... The timing was perfect, and the blessings were abundant.

    To God Be The Glory! 


    choosing to have a happy heart

    Today, I'm choosing right now, in this moment to have a happy and thankful heart... Well, lets be honest, it might be a one character trait kinda day for me, so I think I will choose happy because it encompasses a more "positive" outlook all around, right?

    So Today, I'm going to be happy...

    I choose to be happy I have shelter over my head...
    I choose to be happy I have food on the table...
    I choose to be happy I have a loving family
    I choose to be happy we made it to Arizona without any injuries...
    I choose to be happy that I am well enough to care for my family...
    I choose to be happy that even though we are "under-employed" that we are still in the top 5% richest in the world today, it can be really easy to loose perspective...
    I choose to be happy that even though my future seems uncertain and very unclear at the moment, that God has a plan for my family, and He is our source of provisions and He will always take care of us!
    I choose to be happy that even though my emotions are all over the place at the moment, that I do have a peace that can only come from God in regards to our decision to come to Arizona...

    I'm choosing happiness today, so Satan, don't piss me off!